1- 8 1s cast & dance down behind own lines,
turn outwards & dance back to top
9-16 1L+2M set & change places RH
while 1M+2L change places & set & repeat
17-24 1s lead down for 2 steps, turn RH, lead up to top & cast to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s set & turn partner 2H opening out to circle 4H round to left

"Seann Truibhas Willichan" on YouTube (2.45-3.45)
Pronounced 'Shan trews Willichan' meaning 'Willie's old trousers'.
LADY HOME'S JIG J8x32 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place, cross LH, cast round 3s
& lead up to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corners
& cross LH back to 2nd place own sides
PITTENWEEM R8x32 3C (4C set) M Brandon Memories of Fife
1- 8 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides
9-16 1L followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses down between 3s,
casts up round 3M & end in 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain
25-32 1s dance up between 2s, cast to 2nd places & turn RH
Pittenweem is a village of about 1,600 inhabitants, located nearly due south of St Andrews. It is currently the most active of the fishing ports in the East Neuk coast of Fife.
SCOTT MEIKLE R4x32 4C set A McLean Laurieston Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross RH and cast to 2nd place, 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across, LH back
17-24 1L followed by 3L dance Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s
(1L ends 3rd pl)
while 3M followed by 1M reel of 3 with 4s
(3M to 2nd pl)
25-32 1s+4s dance ½ RandL, turn partners RH 1½ times
"Scott Meikle" on YouTube
LADY HOME'S JIG J8x32 3C (4C set) MMM 1
1- 8 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round & back
9-16 1s+2s+3s dance Grand Chain
17-24 1s cross RH, cast to 2nd place, cross LH, cast round 3s
& lead up to face 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, turn partner LH, turn 2nd corners
& cross LH back to 2nd place own sides
PITTENWEEM R8x32 3C (4C set) M Brandon Memories of Fife
1- 8 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on own sides
9-16 1L followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses down between 3s,
casts up round 3M & end in 2nd place own sides
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance Grand Chain
25-32 1s dance up between 2s, cast to 2nd places & turn RH
Pittenweem is a village of about 1,600 inhabitants, located nearly due south of St Andrews. It is currently the most active of the fishing ports in the East Neuk coast of Fife.
SCOTT MEIKLE R4x32 4C set A McLean Laurieston Coll 1
1- 8 1s cross RH and cast to 2nd place, 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s+3s dance RH across, LH back
17-24 1L followed by 3L dance Tandem reel of 3 across with 2s
(1L ends 3rd pl)
while 3M followed by 1M reel of 3 with 4s
(3M to 2nd pl)
25-32 1s+4s dance ½ RandL, turn partners RH 1½ times
"Scott Meikle" on YouTube