Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dances from Nov. 4

COLLIE LAW (J8x32) 2C (4C set) R Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8           1s+2s Adv+Ret, turn RH
9-16          1s+2s dance Allemande
17-24        1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s
25-32        2s+1s dance RH across & LH back

ARTHUR'S SEAT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) 18C Dances
1- 8           1s+2s dance RH across, 1s cast down 1 place & set
9-16          1s+3s dance LH across, 1s cast down 1 place & set
17-24        1s lead up to top & cast to 2nd place, lead down between 3s & cast up & face 1st corners
25-32        1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting ending with RH turn to 2nd places

NEIDPATH CASTLE (S3x32) 3C set D Haynes RSCDS Bk 22
1- 8           All set & turn partners 2H twice & set again
9-16          All dance Grand Chain
17-24        1s dance down between 2s, cast behind 3s, dance up between 3s, cast up behind 2s.
                  1s+2s end ready for a 1/2 Diamond Poussette
25-32        1s+2s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette, 1s+3s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
                  1s ending in 3rd place

ROARING JELLY (J8x32) 3C (4C set) H Foss Glendarroch SD Sheets
1- 8           1s cross RH, cast 1 place, cross RH and cast (Man up and Lady down) into centre
9-16          1s+2s+3s circle 6H round and back (1s end in centre)
17-24         1s change places RH and dance to right into Figs of 8 (Lady round 2s as 1M dances round 3s)
25-32         1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving RSh to 2nd corners and cross RH to places

1- 8           All circle 8H round to the left & back (popular variation - 8 hands all the way round to left)
9-24          Ladies dance in front of ptnr & behind next Man, into RH across,
                  in front of Man opp own ptnr & behind next Man, into RH across & back to place
25-32        All Promenade clockwise
33-40        1s & 3s dance cl'wise behind next couple & Men dance past cple
                  as Ladies dance in between cple & both turn R to face cple, all set & turn RH
41-48        All dance parallel reels of 4
49-56        1s & 3s dance a full Fig of 8 round the standing 2s/4s
57-64        1s & 3s dance LH across, 1s & 3s dance back to places
                  (Men round & Ladies through the standing 2s & 4s)
65-96        2s & 4s repeat 33-64
97-104      All Promenade anticlockwise
105-120    Men dance in front of ptnr & behind next Lady, into LH across,
                  dance in front of Lady opp own partner & behind next L into LH across & back to pl
121-128    All circle 8H round to the right & back (popular variation - 8 hands all the way round to right)

GENERAL STUART'S REEL (R8x32) 3C (4C set)Menzies RSCDS Bk 10
1- 8           1M sets to 2L & casts 1 place, 1L sets to 2M & casts 1 place
9-16          1s turn 1st corner RH & pass partner RSh,
                  turn 2nd corner LH pass partner RSh to face 1st corners
17-24        1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting & end BtoB (1M facing up & 1L facing down)
25-32        1s give RSh to 2nd corner & dance reels of 3 on sdes with 2s+3s &
                  cross RH to 2nd place on own sides