Upcoming classes:
• Feb 28: Dan
• Mar 7: Ruth
• Mar 14: Molly
-review: skip-change of step
-practice” bars 9-16, Corners Pass and Turn (with special ending)
(-review reels if necessary)
-review: Pas de Basque
-practice: Double Triangles
THE CHEQUERED COURT J8x32 3C (4C set) Duncan Brown RSCDS Book 42
1- 8 1s cross RH and cast down one place; 2s step up bars 3–4. 1M dance
½ figure of 8 up while 1W dance ½ figure of 8 down,
to end facing 1st corners.
9-16 1s dance corners Pass & Turn with 1st corners. 1s pull right shoulder back
(loop round in centre) to end back-to-back facing partner’s 2nd corner
(AKA 4th corner). 1s dance corners Pass & Turn with partner’s 2nd
corners, (loop round) to end back-to-back facing own sides
in Double Triangles position.
17-24 All three couples dance Double Triangles. 1M end between the 3s,
facing 3M; 1W end between 2s, facing 2W.
25-32 1s dance 6-bar right-shoulder reel of three across the dance (right
shoulder to 4th corner), ending in 2nd place on opposite sides;
cross RH to own sides. (end: 2, 1, 3)
"The Chequered Court" on YouTube
-dissect dance: Talk about being ready for the next 8 bars at the end of each phrase. Each couple to describe its next move.
-Details to work on?
-practice: bars 1-8; Discuss stepping up (and down). Eye contact, phrasing, etc.
THE EARL OF NORTHAMPTON S8x32 2C (4C set) Virginia Van Scoy, Boston Branch 50
1-8 1s & 2s dance Set and Link, and circle 4H left.
9-16 2s & 1s dance back-to-back (DoSiDos) and turn both hands into
promenade hold
17-24 2s & 1s dance the first six bars of the Allemande (but replace last two bars
by RH turn), ending in centre by turning RH once around (ending in centre
with RH joined).
25-32 1s & 2s dance the Knot.
1- 8 1s cast & dance down behind own lines, turn outwards & dance back
to top
9-16 1L+2M set & change places RH while 1M+2L change places & set; repeat
17-24 1s lead down the middle for 2 steps, turn RH; lead up to top & cast off
to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s set & turn partner 2H opening out to circle 4H round to left
"Seann Truibhas Willichan" on YouTube (2.45-3.45)
Pronounced 'Shan trews Willichan' meaning 'Willie's old trousers'.
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