R Arrowsmith RSCDS Bk 40
1- 8 1s cross down (no hands) below 3s, cast up 1 place opposite
sides and dance in to face 2L, 1s+2L dance RH across
9-16 1s+2M dance LH across and
end 1L (with partner behind her) in centre facing up,
1s dance up and cast 1 place on own sides and face 3M
17-24 1s+3M dance RH across, 1s+3L dance LH across and
end 1L (with partner behind her) in centre facing down
25-32 1s dance down below 3s and cast up on own sides to 2nd place,
2s+1s+3s turn RH
Dance Information:
The Deeside Way, a walking path located on the former path of the Deeside Railway Image via Wikipedia. |
The Deeside Railway, located along the north bank of the River Dee in Aberdeenshire, was a line that travelled from Aberdeen to Ballater as a stretch of the Great North of Scotland Railway. While in operation, the railway was used by the British Royal Family during travel to their Scottish retreat at Balmoral, hence the local name the Royal Deeside Line.
THE CRANBERRY TART (J8x32) 3C (4C set)
T Glasspool Dances from the 7 Year Itch
1- 16 Fugue: 1M set, cast (2M up) ; set, petronella to between 3c;
set in line with 3c, 1M & 3C Advance+Retire,
1M advance alone to partner.
Meanwhile 1W waits for 2 bars and then repeats 1M's [1-14],
dancing with 2W and 2c
17-24 1L followed by partner casts & dances reel of 3 across with 2s
to end in 2nd place own sides
25-32 1s dance RSh reels of 3 on sides giving RSh to 3s
Dance Information:
Terry Glasspool wrote Cranberry Tart for Deirdre Heyser when she left his dance group. The title was chosen referring to the color of her gown at a recent ball.
ST JOHN RIVER (S4x32) 4C set P Edwards Centennial Coll
1- 8 1L followed by partner casts 1 place, crosses, casts down
behind 3rd Man, crosses, casts behind 4th Lady &
1L crosses to 4th place opposite sides (the meandering brook)
9-16 1s dance up 1 place under 4s arch, turn 2H 1.1/2 times,
dance up under 2s arch to original places (bridges and pools)
17-24 1s followed by 2s+3s+4s lead down the middle
(2s, 3s & 4s dance up sides before leading down),
& back to places (inverting waterfalls on the tidal lower river)
25-32 All dance BtoB with partners,
1s change places on sides with 2s RH, with 3s LH & 4s with RH
(river meets the sea)
Dance Information:
This dance was written to be a representation of the course of the Saint John River, which flows through New Brunswick, Canada and discharges into the Bay of Fundy. The industrial city of Saint John is located at the mouth of the river. Near the river's mouth, there is a unique phenomenon called the Reversing Falls, caused by the high tides of the Bay of Fundy. These tides are the highest in the world and cause the river to reverse its flow twice a day in a narrow gorge in the city's centre.
SHIFTIN' BOBBINS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Clowes Ormskirk Bk
1- 8 1s cross RH to double triangle pstn with 2s+3s & set,
1s cast up to top & dance down until they are between 2s & 3s
9-16 1L dances RH across with 2M+3M
while 1M dances LH across with 2L+3L,
1s followed by 2s+3s dance down centre
17-24 3s followed by 2s+1s dance up (3s+2s cast off to places),
1L dances LH across with 2M+3M
while 1M dances RH across with 2L+3L
25-32 1s dance up to top, cast down to 2nd place opposite side &
dance 1/2 fig of 8 around 2s to end in 2nd place on own sides
Dance Information:
Shiftin' Bobbins represents the mechanical workings of an industrial textile mill. Wool and textiles have long been important industries in Scotland, and even today the textiles industry is the 7th largest exporter in Scotland.
BERWICK JOHNNIE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8 1s+2s set, dance 1/2 RH across, set & dance 1/2 LH across
9-16 1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande 1s end facing 1st corners
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH,
2nd corners RH & partner LH to 2nd places
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