ALICE'S REQUEST (J8x32) 2C (4C set) R Goldring Graded & Social Dances 2
1- 8 1s+2s circle 4H round & back
9-16 1s fig of 8 round 2s
17-24 1L+2M turn RH, 1M+2L turn RH
25-32 1s lead down the middle & up to 2nd place
THE GLEN (J8x32) 2C (4C set) S Kass Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
9-16 1s+2s turn RH & LH
17-24 1s lead down & back to 2nd places
25-32 2s+1s circle 4H round & back
CA' THE EWES T' THE KNOWES (S8x32) 2C (4C set) T Wilson RSCDS 16
1- 8 1s cast & dance down own sides for 4 bars &
turning out dance back to the top
9-16 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, dance 1/2 fig of 8 round 2s & back to top
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
LE PAPILLON (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Skillern SCDs for Children
1- 8 1s cast to 2nd place & 1s+3s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1s cast up to top & 1s+2s circle 4H round to left
17-24 1s lead down for 3 steps, lead up & cast to 2nd place
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
TURKEY TROT (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) J Hamilton Let's All Dance
1- 8 1s lead down for 3 steps, back to top & cast to 2nd places
9-16 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s) &
LH across with other couple
17-24 2s+1s+3s Advance+Retire & dance BtoB
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
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