Most of the dances are from the June 1st potluck dance in Windsor.
Joie de Vivre (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) Book 39 # 2
1-4 1s set and cast off one place. 2s step on bars 3-4
5-8 1s dance down between 33s cast up to 2nd place
9-12 2s, 1s, & 3s couples turn partners RH
13-16 2M, followed by 1M & 3M, and 3W, followed by 1W & 2W,
chase clockwise half-way round
to finish on opposite sides in the order 3,1,2
17-20 3s, 1s, and 2s dance back to back with partners
21-24 3s, 1s, and 2s set and turn partners 1/2 RH
to finish ready for allemande
25-32 3s, 1s, and 2s allemande
Mist o’er the loch (S8x32) 3C (4C Set) The Diamond Jubilee Book
1-8 1st & 2s set to partners and dance 1/2 4H round to the left
2s & 1s turn 2H 1 and 1/2 times to own sides
9-12 1M dances 1/2 figure of eight, up round 2W
1L dances 1/2 figure of eight, down round 3M
13-16 1s dance 1/2 diagonal R&L, 1L up, 1M down
17-20 1W dances 1/2 figure of eight, up round 2M
1M dances 1/2 figure of eight, down round 3W
21-24 1s dance 1/2 diagonal R&L, 1M up, 1L down
1s pass by the left to face first corner position
25-28 1s dance round 1st corner position and pass each other by the right
to face 2nd corner position,
while 1st corners dance in and turn 2H halfway and twirl to own sides,
ending having changed places
29-32 1s dance round 2nd corner position and pass each other by the right
to face 2nd place on own sides,
while 2nd corners dance in and turn 2H halfway and twirl to own sides,
ending having changed places, to progressed place.
Granville Market (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) 2nd Graded Book
1-8 1s& 2s RH across and LH back
9-12 1s, giving RH, cross and cast off one place. 2s step up on 11-12
13-16 1s dance a 1/2 figure of eight up around 2s. 1s finish facing 1st corners
17-18 1s, giving right hands, turn 1st corners
19-20 1s pass RSh to face 2nd corners
21-22 1s, giving right hands, turn 2nd corners
23-24 1s pass RSh to finish in 2nd place on own sides
25-32 2s, 1s & 3s dance 6H round and back
The Lass of Richmond Hill (R8x32) 3C (4C Set) 2nd Graded Book
1-8 1s lead down the middle and up to the top
to finish in the middle of the set facing up
9-16 1s cast off one place and, passing partner by the left,
dance round 1st corners by the right and into the middle of the set.
2nd couple step up on bars 9-10
1s turn LH to face 1st corners
17-24 1s and 1st corners dance a corner chain.
1s finish facing 2nd corners
35-32 1s and 2nd corners dance a corner chain.
1s finish in 2nd place on own sides
Fandango - English Country Dance 64 Bar 3C
1-4 1s turn each other with right hands once around
5-8 1s cast off into the second place
2s step up on 7 & 8
9-12 1s turn each other with left hands once around
13-16 They cast off to the bottom
3s step up on the last four steps.
17-24 2s, 3s, and 1s circle to the left and back.
25-28 1s lead up the center
29-30 1s cast off into the middle while 3s step down.
31-32 1M and 1L turn single away from each other,
1M to the right and 1L to the left.
33-36 1s turn 1st corners 2H
37-40 1s turn 2H to face 2nd corners
41-44 1s turn 2nd corners 2H
45-48 1s turn 2H one and a half times to own sides
49-56 1s dances figures eight;
1M around the 2s, 1L around the 3s (skip step).
57-64 1M dances a hey for three with the 3s,
moving down the center and giving LSh to 3L.
1L dances a hey for three with the 2s,
moving up the center and passing the 2M LSh.
In the last steps, 1s lead down the center into 3rd place,
3s finishing in 2nd place (skip step).
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