Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dances from June 25

Dances for Saline Celtic Festival demo/workshop will be Knit the Pocky, It's Nae Bother and Sean Truibhas Willichan.  Possible Extras: The OXO Reel, The Gay Gordons.


CORN RIGS (R8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 4
1- 8       1s cast down own sides; turn inwards & cast back to top
9-16      1s dance full fig of 8 round 2s
17-24    1s lead down the middle & back
25-32    1s+2s dance Poussette

KNIT THE POCKY (R8x32) 2C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 11
1- 8       1L+2M Advance+Retire, turn 2H (Skip Change of step)
9-16      1M+2L Advance+Retire, turn 2H
17-24    1s followed by 2s (who first dance up) lead down middle &
              2s lead back to 1st place followed by 1s who end in 2nd place
25-32     2s+1s dance R&L

IT'S NAE BOTHER (J8x32) 2C (4C set) D Haynes Carnforth Coll 4
1- 8       1s+2s set, Ladies dace across the set, passing partners RSh
              chase clockwise to own side to progressed place
9-16      1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24    1s+2s set, Men dance across the set, passing opposite lady RSh
              chase clockwise to own sides to progressed place
25-32     2s+1s dance R&L

THE OXO REEL (R6x32) 6C set
1-8         Advance & Retire
              Back to Back
9-16       RH Turn, LH Turn
17-24     OXO figure:
                        1s & 2s circle 4H to left & back
                        while 3s & 4s RH across & LH back
                        while 5s & 6s circle 4H to left & back
25-32     1s dance to the bottom
              All swing partner.

1- 8       1s cast & dance down behind own lines,
              turn outwards & dance back to top
9-16      1M+2L change places & set
              while 1L+2M set & change places RH
17-24    1s lead down for 2 steps, turn RH, lead up to top & cast to 2nd place
25-32    2s+1s set & turn partner 2H opening out to circle 4H round to left

THE DANCING BEES (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Goldring 24 G & S Dances
1- 8        1s lead down the middle & back to face 2L in prom hold
9-16       1s dance reel of 3 across with 2s (giving RSh to 2L)
17-24     1s dance reel of 3 across with 3s (LSh to 3L) ending in the middle
               (Man facing down & Lady facing up to partner)
25-32     1s set in middle, petronella to 2nd place own sides &
               2s+1s+3s turn RH (4 bars)

REEL OF THE ROYAL SCOTS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Goldring SCD Leaflets
1- 8        2s 1/2 turn 1s into center facing out, 2s+1s+3s set as in double triangles,
              1s 1/2 turn 3s into center facing out, 2s+3s+1s set as in double triangles,
9-16       1s followed by 3s dance up between 2s, cast down 1 place,
              dance in & 1s cast up to 2nd place 3s end in 3rd place
17-24     1s turn 1st corners RH, pass partner RSh turn 2nd corners RH
              & cross passing partner RSh to 2nd place own sides
25-32     2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dances from June 18

THORNYCROFT (R8x32) 2C (4C set) R Goldring G & S Dances 2
1- 8         1M also 2L dance across passing partner by RSh & cast 1 place,
               1M+2L turn RH back to places
9-16        1L+2M repeat passing partner LSh & turning LH
17-24      1s slip step down the middle & back
25-32      1s+2s dance Poussette

THE ABBOT OF UNREASON (J8x32) 3C (4C set) M Levy Tin Woodman
1- 8         1s dance down, 1L dances under 1M arm as he dances below &
               dance up to 2nd place BtoB in the middle facing opposite sides
9-16        1s set (as in Double Triangles), turn 1st corner RH,
                set again in Double Triangles & turn 2nd corners LH
17-24      1s reel of 3 on the sides giving RSh to 1st corners &
                cross to 2nd place own sides
25-32      1s set 1 (PdB on R foot), circle 6H round to left,
                1 set (PdB on L foot) & circle 6H round to right

NEIDPATH CASTLE (S3x32) 3C set D Haynes RSCDS 22
1- 8         All set & turn partners 2H twice & set again
9-16        All dance Grand Chain
17-24      1s lead down between 2s, cast behind 3s,
               dance up between 3s, cast up behind 2s
               1s+2s end ready for a 1/2 Diamond Poussette
25-32      1s+2s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette,
                1s+3s dance 1/2 Diamond Poussette
                1s ending in 3rd place

Dance Information:

Neidpath Castle
Image from NeidpathCastle.com

Neidpath Castle overlooks the River Tweed about a mile west of Peebles in the Borders of Scotland. An early castle was probably founded there by Sir Gilbert Fraser in about 1190. His grandson, Sir Simon the Second was executed alongside Sir William Wallace in 1307, after which the barony of Neidpath passed to the Hay family. Sir William de Haya, Sheriff of Peebles, built the present castle in the late 14th century. It was visited by Mary, Queen of Scots in 1563, and by her son James VI in 1587. During Oliver Cromwell's invasion of Scotland in 1650, Neidpath was attacked, and the damage to the 13th-century tower was never fully repaired.  Sir Walter Scott and Thomas Campbell both wrote verse about the sorrowful "Maid of Neidpath“, believed to be Lady Jean Douglas haunting the castle. William Wordsworth also wrote a sonnet about The Fourth Duke, William Douglas's treatment of the castle. Today, it is owned by the Earl of Wemyss, and some of the scenes in films The Bruce, Merlin and Joan of Arc were shot there.

FATTED CALF (J6x32) 2C 3C set
1-4         1s and 2s set on the side
               1s cross and 2s cast up
5-20       1s and 2s set and petronella to the next place around, 4 times
21-24     1s and 2s set on the side
               1s cross up and 2sc cast down, into the middle
25-32     1s and 2s pousette.

CATCH THE WIND (R8x32) 3C (4C set) R Butterfield RSCDS Bk 45
1- 8        1s set, cast 1 place & dance 1/2 fig of 8 round 2s
9-16       1s set twice with 1L turning to face out,
               1L followed by partner casts up & dances down the middle
               1L to face 3M while 1M faces 2M
17-24     1s RSh reels of 3 across (1M with 2s & 1L with 3s)
25-32     1L followed by partner dances down, cast up round 3M &
                crosses to end in 2nd place on own sides, 1s turn RH

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dances from June 11th

GALLOWAY HOUSE (R8x32) 2C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8      1s cast down on own sides, turn out & back to places
9-16     1s+2s circle 4H round & back
17-24   1s turn RH, cast 1 place & turn LH
25-32   2s+1s dance R&L

BONNY BLUE BRIDE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) T McCall Wee Hoose on the Prairie
1- 8     1s lead down the middle & back
9-16    1s+2s+3s advance to meet partners, 1s followed by 2s+3s dance up,
            cast down to 3rd place & dance up to places
17-24  1s+2s+3s dance BtoB & turn RH
25-32  1s cross RH, cast 1 place,
            cross down below 3s & cast up to 2nd place own sides

BEDRULE (S8x32) 3C (4C set) B Grant RSCDS Bk 33
1- 8     1s+2s turn 2H on sides opening out to 4H round to left,
           1s & 2s turn partners 2H & end in centre with 3s for Promenade
9-16    1s+2s+3s Promenade ending with 1s casting to 2nd place
17-24  1s+3s dance RH across once round, 2s+1s dance LH across once round
25-32  2s+1s+3s dance reels of 3 on own sides 1s giving RSh to 3s

IT'S NAE BOTHER (J8x32) 2C (4C set) D Haynes Carnforth Coll 4
1- 8     1s+2s set, Ladies dace across the set, passing partners RSh
            chase clockwise to own side to progressed place
9-16    1s+2s dance RH across & LH back
17-24  1s+2s set, Men dance across the set, passing opposite lady RSh
            chase clockwise to own sides to progressed place
25-32  2s+1s dance R&L

REEL OF THE 51ST DIVISION (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Atkinson RSCDS Bk 13
1- 8      1s set & cast below 3s & lead up to face 1st corners
9-16     1s set & turn 1st corners RH to Balance-in-line diagonally,
            1s turn LH to face 2nd corners
17-24   1s set & turn 2nd corners RH to Balance-in-Line,
            1s turn LH to 2nd place own sides
25-32   2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dances from June 1st

BUCKSHAW REEL (R8x32) 2C (4C set) J Thompson Rose & Thistle Bk
1- 8      1s crossing down dance full figs of 8 round 2s
9-16     2s crossing up dance full figs of 8 round 1s
17-24   1s lead down the middle & back to 2nd place
25-32   2s+1s dance R&L

KENDALL'S HORNPIPE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Bk of Graded SCDs
1- 8      1s+2s dance R&L
9-16     1s lead down for 3, up for 3, cross over & cast down to 2nd place
17-24   2s+1s dance Ladies Chain
25-32   2L+1M & 2M+1L Advance+Retire on the sides, 1s turn RH 1.1/2 times

MACDONALD OF THE ISLES (S3x32) 3C Set D Haynes Carnforth Coll 2
1- 8      2s dance full diagonal Reels of 4 with 1st corners,
            passing by the LSh to face 2nd corners
9-16     2s dance full diagonal Reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end in original places
17-24   Dance Progressive Chain (2 bars per hand): - 1s cross RH &
             1s change places LH on side with 2s
             1s change places RH with 3s while 2s cross over RH
             1s cross LH while 2s & 3s change places LH
25-32   3s+2s dance 1/2 R&L,
            3s dance 1/2 fig of 8 round end couples (3M up & 3L down)
             to end in 2nd place

CRAMOND BRIDGE (R8x32) 3C (4C set) V Farr London Jubilee
1- 8      1s cross RH & cast 1 place, cross LH & cast to  their left (Lady up, Man down),
             to meet in middle in promenade hold facing 2nd Man
9-16     1s dance 1/2 diagonal reel with 1st corners &
            1/2 reel with 2nd corners, end in middle facing Ladies side
17-24   1s lead out, cross & cast (Lady up, Man down),
             meet in middle & turn RH while 2s+3s dance 1/2 R&L
25-32   1s lead up & cast to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH

THE WILD GEESE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) RSCDS Bk 24
1- 8      1s+3s dance in & Balance-in-Line, turn partners RH &
            1s cast to 3rd place while 3s lead up to 1st place
9-16     3s+1s dance in & Balance-in-Line, turn partners RH &
            3s cast to 3rd place while 1s lead up to 1st place
17-24   1s lead down & back to 2nd place
25-32   2s+1s dance R&L

THE MINISTER ON THE LOCH (S3x32) 3C set R Goldring RSCDS 2008 
(Also published in 24 Graded & Social Dances)
1- 8      1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette right round
9-16     1s dance down for 2 steps, turn 2H, dance up to top & turn 2H
17-2     1s+3s dance double fig of 8 round 2s with 1s casting to start
25-32   1M+2M turn LH 1.1/2 times while 1L+2L turn RH 1.1/2 times,
            1M+3M turn RH 1.1/2 times while 1L+3L turn LH 1.1/2 times