Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lesson Plan for March 19 - Beginner Class

[Edit: Because of an unexpected influx of a large group of totally new dancers, we didn't dance the program as originally planned. I have updated this entry to reflect the program as danced. The original plan was: Joie de Vivre, 'Allo 'Allo, Asilomar Romantic, Arthur's Seat, Alan J. Smith. The original plan is being reused for March 26th, with substitutions for the dances that we actually danced on the 19th.]

New Figures: Strathspey Poussette, 'Hello-Goodbye' Setting

Dances from the Ann Arbor Ball: Joie de Vivre & Asilomar Romantic

JOIE DE VIVRE (J8x32) 3C (4C set) I van Maarseveen RSCDS Bk 39
1- 8      1s set, cast 1 place, 1s dance down between 3s &
            cast back to 2nd place on own sides
9-16     2s+1s+3s turn RH & chase 1/2 way round clockwise
17-24   3s+1s+2s dance Back to Back, set & 1/2 turn partners RH for Allemande
25-32   3s+1s+2s dance Allemande

THE MACHINE WITHOUT HORSES (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Rutherford RSCDS 12
1- 8      1s set, cast & dance RH across with 3s
9-16     1s set, cast up & dance LH across with 2s
17-24   1s followed by 2s lead down, cast up behind 3s,
             dance in & lead up to top & 1s cast off to 2nd place,
             2s finishing in 1st place
25-32   2s+1s dance R&L

1- 8      1s+2s set & dance RH across 1/2 way,
             set & dance LH across 1/2 way back to place
9-16     1s lead down the middle & back to top
17-24   1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32   2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

ASILOMAR ROMANTIC (S8x32) 3C (4C set) 
T Cuthbertson San Fransisco Coll 2
1- 8      1s+3s dance double fig of 8 around 2s, 1s crossing down to start
9-16     1s+2s dance Diamond Poussette right round
17-24   1s dance in & down between 2s (2s step up), set to each other &
             dance RSh round 4th corner to face own 1st corner
25-32   1s dance 'Hello-Goodbye' setting, end in centre facing partner &
             petronella turn to 2nd place

Dance Information:
Rocks at Asilomar State Beach

Asilomar refers to a rocky coast and dune habitat on the Monterey Peninsula, in California. Asilomar State Beach state park includes the Asilomar Conference Grounds, a conference center built in 1913 that is now a National Historic Landmark. The name Asilomar is derived from two Spanish words: "asilo" and "mar", and means "Asylum or refuge by the sea".

Merrill Hall, Asilomar

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