P Knapman Collins Pocket Bk
1- 8 1s turn RH cast to 2nd place, & turn partner LH1¼ times to end Man down & Lady up
9-16 1s dance RH across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s),
1s passing RSh & dance LH with other couple
17-24 1s lead down the middle & back to 2nd place own side
25-32 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back
Preston RSCDS Bk 5
1- 8 1s+2s+3s set & cross RH, set & cross back RH9-16 1s lead down the middle for 4 bars & back to top
17-24 1s cast to 2nd place on own sides & circle 4H round to the left with 3s
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
MY JO S8x32 2C (4C set)
R Goldring 15 Social dances
1- 8 1L+2M advance for 1 step, turn individually to right,cast round 2L/1M & turn RH 1¼ times
to end in each others place
9-16 1M+2L repeat bars 1- 8 but turn to left & turn LH
17-24 2s+1s set, advance passing partner RSh
& turn individually to right to face each other,
continue turn & dance out to own side, 2s+1s set
25-32 2s+1s dance Diamond Poussette right round
D Blim
1‐8 1s dance down below 3s, cast up one place, dance up to the top,and cast off to face 1st corners.
9‐16 Turn corner, partner, corner, partner,
ending in the middle on opposite sides.
17‐24 1s set right for one bar, then slip individually left for one bar,
ending 1M between the 3s, 1L between the 2s.
Dance six bar right shoulder reels of three across the dance,
ending with 1s in 2nd place on opposite sides.
25‐32 Dance six bar right shoulder reels of three on the sides.
1s cross right on the last two bars.
T Wilson RSCDS Bk 16
1- 8 1s cast & dance down own sides for 4 bars& turning out dance back to the top
9-16 1s turn RH, cast 1 place, dance ½ fig of 8 round 2s
& back to top for…
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande
25-32 2s+1s dance R&L
THE DUSTY MILLER J8x32 3C (4C set)
Border Dance Bk
1- 8 1s set, cast down below 3s, lead up, cross over& cast to 2nd place opposite sides
9-16 2s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back;
1s ending facing 1st corners
17-24 1s set to 1st corners & turn RH,
set to 2nd corners & turn RH
25-32 1s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides
(giving LSh to 1st corners to start)
& cross to own sides
HA! HA! THE WOOIN' O' IT R8x32 2C (4C set)
1- 8 1L+2L advance towards partners & set, retire & set9-16 1M+2M repeat bars 1- 8
17-24 1s lead down & back
25-32 1s+2s dance Poussette
LIGHT & AIRY J8x32 3C (4C set)
W Campbell RSCDS Bk 4
1- 8 1s set & cast to 3rd place, set & cast back to top9-16 1s lead down the middle & back
17-24 1s+2s dance Allemande (1s end facing 1st corners)
25-32 1s turn 1st corners RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH,
partner LH to end in 2nd place own sides
GREEN GROW THE RASHES (John Black’s Daughter) S8x32 3C (4C set)
Johnson RSCDS Bk 12
1- 8 1s dance parallel RSh reels of 3 on own sides9-16 1s set, turn 2H, 1s facing 2s on sides set & turn 2s with 2H 1½ times
17-24 1M+3s circle 3H round to L end 3s on opp sides & 1M casts to 2nd pl,
1L+3s circle 3H round to right & end 3s own sides & 1L casts to 2nd pl
25-32 1s set dance up to top, cast to 2nd place & turn RH
BURNS NIGHT J8x32 2C (4C set)
R McOwen 50y Boston Branch
1- 8 1M+2L cross RH, 1L+2M cross RH, 2s+1s Set+Link9-16 1L+2M cross RH, 1M+2L cross RH,
2s+1s Set+Link back to original places
17-24 1s+2s ½ turn RH, slip step down for 2 bars & back,
½ turn 2H (PdB) to face up
25-32 1s+2s dance Allemande
THE LEA RIG S8x32 2C (4C set)
1-16 1s+2s (2s step up & join in on bar 3 by setting, then follow 1s)dance full Petronella back to places
with 2s turning to place on bars 15-16
17-24 1s lead down centre of set & back to top
25-32 1s+2s dance RH across once round
& ½ Diamond Poussette to change places
J Dickson Lothian Coll
1- 8 1s turn by the right and cast one place;1s turn by left 1½ times, finishing facing out on opposite sides
(in 2nd place);
9-16 1s cast to the left, and chase anti-clockwise halfway round the outside
while 2s and 3s right hands across, finishing on the side lines;
2s and 3s chase clockwise halfway round the outside
while 1s turn by the left 1¼ to face first corner positions
(1M facing 2M, 1L facing 3L);
17-24 1s ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corner positions; pass right shoulder,
1s ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corner positions,
finishing by passing right shoulder to 2nd place on own sides;
25-32 2s, 1s, and 3s circle 6 hands round and back.
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